
Park Clingendael in The Hague: Impressive and Beautiful

A visit to the Japanese Garden can be nicely combined with the adjacent Park Clingendael. This expansive park offers extensive opportunities for walking and picnicking. Through winding forest trails, you’ll pass rolling lawns, rustic streams and historic structures.

An English garden houses the well-known Institute Clingendael (knowledge center for international relations). Various garden and landscape architects from the last 2 centuries have introduced characteristic landscape styles in Park Clingendael, which can still be easily recognized. Whereas in past centuries the park could only be visited by privileged notables, today everyone can enjoy it.

Star Forest

If you walk through the main entrance to the Japanese Garden in the spring, you will automatically pass through the Star Forest, where man-sized hedges of Rhododendrons stand. In May / June, these are full of flowers and buds in cheerful colors. The sunlight through the imposing trees casts a magical light and shadow on the flowers and paths below.

Dutch Garden

Through a white terrace staircase, designed by landscape architect Springer, you walk to an Old Dutch Garden. Features of this formal garden style include: the geometric design, low boxwood hedges with topiary, flower beds, white gravel and a sundial in the center.

In earlier times, when bulbs were a prized possession, flower beds were often planted with bulbs. Gables around the plot were necessary for the drainage of rainwater in the wet Dutch climate. The garden was very labor-intensive to maintain; today steel bands in the ground prevent the pattern of boxwood hedges from running.

In popular speech, this part of Clingendael is called the “Old Dutch Garden,” but experts say the term “Dutch Garden” (“Dutch Garden”) would be a more accurate designation. Actually, the “Dutch Garden” is a Dutchified garden art, derived from both English and French garden styles, adapted to Dutch conditions.

Pendulum Wall

The remnant of the Slinger Wall near the carriage house dates from 1730 and served as a fruit wall. On the southeast side of the wall, it was possible to grow non-native fruits from warmer regions, such as grapes, plums, pears and apricots. The coves of the winding wall protected the fragile blossoms and fruits from inclement north and west winds, and the stones gradually released the sun’s heat absorbed during the day at night so that the fruit was ready for harvest before winter.


The park also has an old farm house with nice colored shutters and a thatched roof.

Recreation in Park Clingendael

A large playing field in Park Clingendael offers plenty of space for badminton, frisbee and picnics. For the elderly, there are plenty of quiet spots in the playground to read a newspaper or book in the sunshine.
A little further on, at the back of the white terraced staircase, is playground De Geest. Biggest attraction for children is the extensive climbing fort, which many children enthusiastically use.
Park Clingendael has a simple restaurant/tea shop near the Japanese Garden.

Hiking trails & bridle paths in Park Clingendael

Park Clingendael has an extensive network of hiking trails. Two walking routes are marked with posts: both the red route (2 km) and the yellow route (4 km) start 50 meters to the right after the entrance gate of the main entrance on the Wassenaarseweg. A bridle path also runs through the dune forest of Clingendael.

Opening hours Park Clingendael

Park Clingendael is open daily year-round. If you visit Park Clingendael in May or October, don’t forget the Japanese Garden, the park’s showpiece.



Address and accessibility

Clingendael 12a, 2597 VH The Hague, tel. 070-3533000

The main entrance to Park Clingendael is on the Wassenaarseweg, a side street of the Van Alkemadelaan. You can also enter the estate on the side of the Van Alkemadelaan, the Ruychrocklaan and the Van Ouwenlaan. You can park your car around the estate. Clingendael is also easily accessible by bus. There is unguarded bicycle parking at the main entrance.

Combine your visit to Westbroekpark

Visit nearby as well:
The Keukenhof (until mid-May)
Bloemencorso Bollenstreek (a few days in April)
Westbroek Park / Rosarium (at its most beautiful in July; 20,000 rose bushes)
Westland Floating Parade (one but last week in June)
Madurodam (view Holland in 1-2 hours)
beach of Scheveningen (sun sets in sea)
City of Delft (tourist center)


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'Lots of walking opportunities'
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'Very authentic and timeless'
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'Space to play for the kids'
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'Wonderful to unwind'
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'A piece of natural heritage in the city'

History of Clingendael and Japanese Garden

Clingendael bestaat nog uit boerderijen

Volgens de archieven is op het huidige landgoed Clingendael een boerderij gevestigd

Philips Doubleth koopt het landgoed
Philips Doubleth koopt het landgoed
De Haagse notabele Philips Doubleth koopt de landerijen van landgoed Clingendael.
Prille begin van Landgoed Clingendael

Clingendael bestaat uit een boerderij, schuur, hooibergen, een laan met plantage, boomgaard met vijver en de (nog bestaande) toegangslaan.

Aanleg Formele Tuin
Aanleg Formele Tuin

Rond de boerderij wordt een formele tuin aangelegd.

Tuin gevormd in Franse stijl
Tuin gevormd in Franse stijl

Philips III Doubleth (1663-1707) legt op Clingendael een tuin aan in Franse stijl, geïnspireerd door André le Nôtre. De naam "Clingendael" wordt ingevoerd. De naam Clingendael verwijst naar het dal tussen de "klingen", oftewel de duinen.

Aanleg Slangenmuur en Moestuin

Voor Huys Clingendael wordt een slangenmuur, moestuin en boomgaard aangelegd. De tuin rond het huis werd aangepast volgens inzichten van die tijd.

Landgoed Clingendael krijgt nieuwe eigenaar

Landgoed Clingendael wordt eigendom van Jacob van Half-Wassenaar (1704-1790). Door geldproblemen raakt het park in verval.

Park Clingendael krijgt nieuwe eigenaar en een nieuwe stijl
Park Clingendael krijgt nieuwe eigenaar en een nieuwe stijl
Landgoed Clingendael wordt eigendom van de familie Van Brienen. Park Clingendael krijgt een landschapsstijl.
Aankoop Landgoed Oosterbeek
Aankoop Landgoed Oosterbeek

Landgoed Oosterbeek wordt toegevoegd aan landgoed Clingendael.

Japan opent zijn Grenzen

Japan opent zijn grenzen voor het westen (na 2 eeuwen van isolatie).

Aanleg Japanse Tuin
Aanleg Japanse Tuin

Aanleg Japanse Tuin door eigenaresse freule Daisy (Marguerite Mary barones van Brienen, 1871-1939).

Landgoed Clingendael Bezet

Tijdens de Tweede Wereld Oorlog werd Huys Clingendael en het landgoed bewoond door rijkscommissaris Seyss-Inquart. Hij liet meerdere bunkers bouwen.

Gemeente Den Haag wordt Eigenaar

Gemeente Den Haag wordt eigenaar en beheerder van Clingendael. Park wordt toegankelijk voor publiek.

Restauratie Huys Clingendael

Landhuis Clingendael wordt grondig gerestaureerd.

Vestiging Intstiuut Clingedael in Huys Clingendael

 Instituut Clingendael (Nederlands Instituut voor Vredesvraagstukken) vestigt zich in landhuis Clingendael


Landgoed Clingendael wordt door de Rijksdienst voor Monumentenzorg aangewezen als beschermd Rijksmonument (historische buitenplaats).

Japanse Tuin voor het eerst ook in het najaar geopend
De Japanse Tuin wordt ook geopend in het najaar.

Figure 1: The central garden of Clingendael through the centuries.
The transformation from formal (French) garden to landscape garden is clearly visible.
Legend: 1 = U-shaped ditch, 2 = pond, 3 = coach house, 4 = Huys Clingendael, 5 = gatehouse, 6 = moats, 7 = second pond, 8 = dike terrace, 9 = bowl.
Source: Gieskes, Joost S.H. (2009), Cascade, Bulletin of Garden History, 18th volume, no. 1, p. 34.

Freule Daisy (1871-1939)

Japan was an isolated island kingdom for centuries. It was not until 1860 that Japan, a huge country, developed into a central unitary state and opened its borders. In the early 20th century, Freule Daisy (Marguerite Mary Baroness Van Brienen, 1871 – 1939) was one of the few Europeans to make one or several trips to Japan. She became so inspired by Japanese garden art that she created a Japanese garden in the Star Forest. She had the lanterns, a water barrel, statuettes, bridges and possibly the pavilion brought over from Japan for this purpose. These authentic elements can still be seen in the Japanese Garden, as well as the whimsically shaped pond, the meandering stream and the winding paths with stepping stones. The Japanese Garden is the only Japanese garden from the early 20th century in the Netherlands and therefore of great historical value.

Freule Daisy maintained many foreign contacts and regularly rented out country house Clingendael to diplomats. As a result, Clingendael gained international fame and notoriety.


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